Cat vaccines are a great way to keep your feline companion protected against several illnesses and potential dangers. They're a medical advancement that empowers cats to live longer, healthier lives. Every cat owner needs to know the following facts about vaccines.

Vaccines Are Safe

Although many people worry about the possibly detrimental effects of vaccines, recent studies reveal that there might not be any truth to the claims of negative side effects due to vaccination of a child. Additionally, when it comes to cats, there are further studies that indicate that vaccines are highly effective, so you should feel at ease in vaccinating your cat. Talk to your veterinarian about the vaccines that your cat may need now and in the future, and always ask any questions if you have doubts or concerns about your cat's vaccination schedule.

Two Vaccines Are Absolute Musts

According to the American Humane Association, there are two types of vaccines that you absolutely need to give your cat. Speak to your vet about scheduling them. They are as follows:

  • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia (FVRCP) - This shot is known as the "distemper" shot, and it will protect your feline companion against the developing the following diseases: calicivirus, feline viral rhinotracheitis, and panleukopenia. Since these diseases can be devastating, this shot should be scheduled as soon as it's healthy for your cat to receive it.

  • Rabies - If you've ever seen Old Yeller, you know how scary dogs with rabies can be. Rabies can be equally damaging for cats. Rabies vaccinations are so essential that cat owners are legally required to bring their cats in for this vaccination in most states. It's also simply responsible pet care since it's in the best interest of your cat as well as the rest of your family.

Preparing Your Cat for Vaccines Is Important

It's also important that every cat owner prepare their feline companion for vaccines. That will help the cat be less traumatized from the experience, and it will also help you after the procedure. Get the cat used to being handled in the way that the veterinarian will do during the examination and vaccination. Also get your cat used to the carrier that will be used to transport them to and from the veterinarian for the vaccination treatments.

Finally, keep in mind that cat vaccinations are the healthy choice for your cat. They are widely tested before being approved, and you can ask your veterinarian any questions you may have about the timing, type, and quantity of vaccinations that your feline companion requires.

For more information, talk to a company like Cats Only Veterinary Hospital.
